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Articles and papers available for download.
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Issues in Design Culture

Julier, G. (2009/2014) 'How can we design pleasurable and sustainable spoons and cities?', Paper for Exploring the Total Beauty of a Sustainable Design Culture, Kolding, 26 May 2014

Julier, G. (2011) 'Locating Design Cultures', paper given at the Premsela Design Cultures symposium, VU Amsterdam, Wed. 25 May

Julier, G. (2010) English translation of ‘Más allá de los margines:  la historia del diseño, transnacionalización y globalización’ (Beyond Borders: Design History, Transnationalisation and Globalisation) in I. Campi (ed) Diseño e Historia:  tiempo, lugar y discurso, Barcelona and Mexico City: Designio, pp.117-126


Julier, G. (2009) ‘Value, Relationality and Unfinished Objects:  Guy Julier Interview with Scott Lash and Celia Lury’, Design and Culture, 1,1: 93-113.

Julier, G. (2007) ‘Design Practice within a Theory of Practice’, Design Principles & Practices:  An International Journal, 1, 2: 43-50

Julier, G. (2006) ‘From Visual Culture to Design Culture’, Design Issues,22(1): 64-76.

Julier, G. and Narotzky, V. (1997)  ‘The Redundancy of Design History’ at Practically Speaking Conference, University of Wolverhampton






Julier, G. (2004) Review: The Design Experience: The Role of Design and Designers in the Twenty-First Century  Journal of Design History 17(2):193-195 

Julier, G. and Hill, K. (2004)  Review:  Laurel, Brenda (ed.) (2003) Design Research: Methods and Perspectives Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 334pp. 


Julier, G. (2001)  Review:  Cummings, Neil and Lewandowska, Marysia (2000) The Value of ThingsAugust Birkhäuser Journal of Design History 14(4):375-377





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